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Sunday 24th October 2021 - 3pm
“SING!” - a jamboree for the whole family.
As Europe’s longest-running LGBT+ choir, The Pink Singers have grown and blossomed into a group of over 90 singers since we were first formed on 7 April 1983 for the Lesbian & Gay Pride march in London. At that time, the age of consent was still unequal, and AIDS had barely reached the political agenda.
At our core, The Pink Singers are essentially a community choir, made up of talented people from a diverse range of sexual orientations, gender identities and backgrounds united by a passion for singing great choral music.
Over lockdown we continued to use the power of music to bring us together as best we could. In our weekly zoom meetings we sang, worked on behind-the-scenes activities and continued to support each other through difficult times.
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